Newsletter of Eric Friedman - Issue #7
So Dad, its good #6 - thanks for joining the ride. The reaction to my last newsletter was great and great encouragement to keep writing. Thanks everyone who responded, and got a laugh or two out of these. Welcome all 264 of you!
On my mind
I got some great feedback from my newsletters and the encouragement to write more has been great. I am in the thick of things running the ODX program, but there is a certain flow state for me when I am investing and working closely with early stage teams - I love it! Onwards to the good stuff.
Tools I use
My bookmarks manager —
I started using which is a Chrome extension for clipping links, a desktop app for managing bookmarks, and a mobile app for easy recall. While nothing can replace this is a close comparison.
What I am writing
Pro Tips When Starting Up – Eric Friedman —
I finalized my notes for the ODX Accelerator program, the early stage accelerator I am building at On Deck. Here are my "pro tips" for starting up.
What I am reading
After ALS struck, he became the world’s most advanced cyborg —
Powerful story about Dr. Peter Scott-Morgan, a prominent British-American robotics scientist who is almost completely paralyzed.
More than 1 million fewer students are in college. Here's how that impacts the economy —
A wild stat. While you don't have to read the article to get the impact, it gives depth to the fact that the college landscape is changing before our eyes.
I’m Tired of Explaining Why I Don’t Drink —
Incredible article by my friend Sarah Wood who recounts her story about not drinking.